Friday, March 16

Our Take on the Spring Break

Spring Break has descended upon the world this week, and I just want to let it be known that almost every holiday that involves some kind of "break" gets a little lost on parents with young children. Nevertheless, I think my family actually captured the essence of Spring Break this week!  Part of it had nothing to do with me- the weather here has been absolutely AMAZING this week, and on top of that, the Magnolia and Cherry Blossom trees have started to do their Spring thing... which also means the the oh-so-squeezable baby leg chub has made it's round two debut!
However, the other part of what made this week so awesome I think I will take credit for. This week, I decided we were dropping the morning nap cold turkey. Bella was starting to show all the tell-tale signs, and when I saw Daylight Savings Time approaching, I thought, "Why not throw another wrench in to this child's schedule?  It's already going to be messed up anyways."  I know that doesn't really sound intelligent, but paired with the weather we've had this week, I now think it was genius. ;)

This week, our mornings have been full of go-go-going, don't stop 'til you drop activity.  I was really anxious about changing up our nice little morning and afternoon nap schedule we had going on there, but I must admit, I have actually loved not having the morning nap.  Why, you ask? Well, for one...
We have spent hours at the park this week, making friends...

... and sharing chocolate pudding.

And we've even found some friends who busted out their kiddie pool for the first time this year.  It was kind of an impromptu get together, but Bella still jumped in... fully clothed.  
Bella loved the water, and she basically hated me when I made her get back in the stroller. I see how it is, Bella.

We also read a few classics on the back porch...
...although I'd be lying if I didn't say that Bella usually tired of this quickly and went straight for the dirt in those planters.

And oh, how we've enjoyed the view from our warm rooftop with family and friends.

And the result of all this activity? This girl has slept come the afternoon.  She passes out in my arms each day and sleeps a solid three hours.  It looks a little something like this...

But this is Spring Break people, and the fun does not just take place in the day time.

So last night, we went on an after dinner stroll to the Sweet Lobby.  Best cupcakes and macarons out there.  Period. (The loose leaf tea is actually amazing, too.)
And the view from Bella's stroller wasn't too shabby either. 

But perhaps the strangest coolest thing we did this week, was take an after bedtime trip to witness the elephant parade.  I know.  I couldn't believe it either.  Elephants parading through DC?
Oh yes, believe it. I actually took no good pictures from the evening, but thanks to Sarah the professional, I actually did get an amazing one! Yes, that's me with my iPhone up in the background... on the wrong side of the street. Photography rule #1: Good pictures begin by positioning yourself with the monuments/Capitol in the background.

Bella and her buddy Behr thought the elephants were awesome interesting... um, not really worth the trip.
But that's okay. We got a good laugh out of it.  And by the time the last miniature pony scampered through, we felt like we had seen all of the circus that we really needed to see.  I mean, elephants are cool and all, but the clowns that jumped and wheeled around behind them gave me the heebie jeebies.  Me and clowns, we've had a rough go at it throughout the course of my life.  We'll just leave it at that for now.

Anyways, happy nap dropping to us, and a happy Spring Break to all you out there!

Wednesday, March 7

My Little Bookworm

Hey Bella!  What are you doing hiding over there?

Oh, just reading.  All by myself.

Oh. Well then, how about playing with your friend who came all the way over here to see you?
Um, no thanks. I think I'll just climb up in this chair where I can't be bothered and read this good book.

Okay... well then, why don't we put on this tutu and practice our dance moves? 
Um, no thanks. I'll just sit right here and read.

While some parents might worry about such behavior, I think these first signs of a potential bookworm is a dream come true.  I love imagining this little girl curled up next a window completely lost in a classic girl's novel. 

So, read on, little Bella.  There are bigger and better books ahead!  And while we're at it, why don't we show the world what else you've been reading lately?

That's right. Rock on, little Bella.